Monday, April 26, 2010


It's time to start the garden again this year. I am so optimistic that I will keep my goal of keeping my rows weed-free this year. Wish me luck! I practiced this weekend by weeding the flowerbeds in my own backyard. I got about 3/4 of the way done before I simply ran out of time, but it looks so much better. And, the bonus is, it should stay that way for at least a week (unlike any kind of cleaning I attempt to do inside the house.) I was rewarded with hives all up and down my arms, and for the first time this year (but certainly not the last), I have to wonder WHY in the world I insist on having a hobby I am allergic to! I have increased my arsenal in the fight against hayfever and hives by purchasing a slew of medications and sinus rinses, and some awesome gloves at IFA that go almost to my elbows.

My brother has promised to supply me with a bunch of herbs and tomato plants, so instead of flowers in my flower beds, I will have useful plants, and it won't cost me a thing for them. God bless him and his propensity to overdo his own hobbies. Now, if I could just convince Mother Nature to stop SNOWING....