Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Last night, we were paid a visit around 9:00 p.m. from a dog who had apparently escaped his owner. His only tag had a vet's phone number on it, which of course, didn't get us anywhere because it was after hours. I debated about what to do, but then I thought,"What would I want someone to do if they found my dog?" I took the dog for a walk in the nearby park, thinking he must have escaped his owners over there, but no one seemed to be looking for a dog. I left him fenced in our backyard, but he kept barking and I was worried the neighbors would complain. We ended up bringing him in the house. However, our dog wasn't much into having a bunk mate, and pretty much treated our guest like an interloper and it seemed like a good idea to keep him separated. SE ended up sleeping in the boys' room with the interloper, and I slept in our bedroom with our dog. I use the word "sleep" here rather loosely, because between the two of them making noises, I don't think any of us, including the dogs, got much sleep.

SE called the vet this morning, got the owner's number, and called. Ironically, it turns out out the interloper belongs to a neighbor that lives less than a block away. He was a cutie, and obviously had a family, so I'm not sorry we did it, but I would like to tell this neighbor that I would like my sleep back and I would also like him to repaint the bedroom where the interloper scratched the door. Sigh.

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