Thursday, June 3, 2010

Go BIG or go home!

Our family participates in a community garden of sorts--the community being my brother's in-laws, who have graciously invited us to participate even though we are not "blue bloods." (I think it's because they get more help with the weeding.) You can read about my brother's experiences here. We get together every Monday night during the gardening season and work a patch of ground that I understand is about 1/3 of an acre, more or less. Of course, when I'm weeding, it feels like it is definitely more than an acre, but I'll save my gripes about weeding for a later post. My crew and I are responsible for 6 rows that contain asparagus, peppers, beans, cabbage, broccoli and corn. I let SIT1 and SIT2 help plant the beans, and they loved every minute of it. However, they got a little crazy with the seed planting machine and I'm not exactly sure where those bean plants might be popping up.

Back on the home front, I've planted chives, basil and parsley, and I'm getting ready to plant another couple tomato plants and a few more herbs. I think I will buy a couple of packages of geraniums just to add color, and then my flower beds should be full to overflowing. My house is currently for sale, so there is a chance that I won't get to harvest any of the goods I'm working so hard to grow, but we haven't had ANY interest for almost four weeks, so I'm not too worried about it. I always have the community garden, which almost always produces more than we all can use.

I love having the opportunity to garden, both at home at with my brother's inlaws. There's something about being one with the dirt and being able to make something grow!

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