Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Garden of Eatin'

We officially began working in the garden last night.  It looks like we already have a stellar crop of weeds-SIGH!  But we ignored the weeds in favor of using the last few bits of daylight to prune the fruit trees.  Here's what the garden looks like  right now:

The garden master said he is taking bribes for which rows we want this year. I said I would take anything but the strawberries, which are hidden among the weeds at the far left in the picture.  I didn't pay him anything, so I imagine strawberries will be on my list. :)  Should I have also mentioned the asparagus and herb garden, which are also weed-ridden?  (Those are the only perennials in the garden right now, so they don't get plowed under, hence the weeds.)

My brother, who also blogs about the garden.  With a plot this big, it has to be a family affair. It's great to have all the help, and it makes it a lot more fun.  The mutual gripe-fests are also fun.

Being a gardener is extremely hard work and it is time consuming, but it is also very rewarding and I am looking forward to another great year and a large harvest.


  1. Well I have good news...

    The Asparagus have already been spoken for.

  2. LOL Acutally the size of your garden is enough to make me crindge! I too will hopefully someday be able to make a garden out of my clay soil rock ridden partch of ground/slope that I call a back yard one day. Right now, I just hope to make the HOA happy and put something back there that I dont care if they destroy when they build on either side!

  3. Hey Tammy,

    I suggest you plant weeds. They are easy to replace when the landscaping gets destroyed. :)

    In your situation, I wonder about doing terraces with square foot gardens? Too bad landscaping costs money, or our yards would all look different, eh? :)
